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How do I cite artworks for my works cited page?

How do I cite a photograph in APA style? How do I cite a painting in MLA style? How do I cite a sculpture in Chicago style?

Each style cites artworks a little bit differently. You can find examples below for artwork accessed online through a museum's website, such as Manet's painting, Boating, Donatello's sculpture, Sprite, or Eakins's photograph, Two Pupils in Greek Dress.


The painting Manet's Boating -depicts a man, wearing white, and a woman, wearing blue, boating on the river.


Artist (LN, FI). (Year). Title [Description/Medium]. Institution, Museum, or Collection, Location.
       Webpage/document Author. (Year, Month day). Title of web page/
       document. Retrieved from: http://URL

Manet, E. (1874). Boating [Oil]. The Metropolitan of Art, New York.
       The Met Collections Online. Retrieved from


A photograph of Donatello's sculpture, Sprite - winged nude male figure in gold, with winged ankles



       1. Artist (FN LN), Title, Year, material, size in inches (size in cm), Collection, Location, URL.

       2. Donatello, Sprite, 1432, High-copper alloy,  24 1/4 × 8 1/8 × 11 3/4 in. (61.6 × 20.6 × 29.8 cm), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,

Works Cited entry:

Artist (LN, FN). Work of Art. Year. Material, size. Collection, location. URL.
Donatello. Sprite, 1432. High-copper alloy,  24 1/4 × 8 1/8 × 11 3/4 in. (61.6 × 20.6 × 29.8 cm). The Metropolitan
      Museum of Art, New York.
Thomas Eakins's photograph Two Pupils in Greek Dress, featuring two young women in ancient Greek costume.


Artist (LN, FN). Title. Year. Museum, URL.

Eakins, Thomas. Two Pupils in Greek Dress. 1883. The Metropolitan Museum of Art,

*For more information on citing art in MLA, including art published in a book, visit Purdue's MLA Online Writing Lab: Other Common Sources and look for the 'A Painting, Sculpture, or Photograph' heading.

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