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How do I find a scholarly article written by a nurse?
The database CINAHL provides options to limit your search results to scholarly articles written by a nurse*:
1. First Author is Nurse**
2. Any Author is Nurse**
3. AF Author Affiliation
The database PubMed also provides an option to limit your search results to articles written by a nurse*:
4. Affiliation
1. First Author is Nurse limiter is available in the Search Options menu beneath the Advanced Search screen. Check the First Author is Nurse box, enter your search terms in the Advanced Search bar, and click the Search button.
The first author is generally the person claiming the most responsibility for the research publication. If this limiter is applied, then you will only retrieve records where it is confirmed that the first author of an article is a nurse, according to credentials noted in the article.
2. Any Author is Nurse limiter is available in the Search Options menu beneath the Advanced Search screen. Check the Any Author is Nurse box, enter your search terms in the Advanced Search bar, and click the Search button.
If this limiter is applied, then you will only retrieve records where at least one author is a nurse, according to the credentials noted in the article.
3. AF Author Affiliation is available in the dropdown menu next to the Advanced Search box. Click the Select a Field (optional) dropdown menu and select AF Author Affiliation. Type nurs* in the adjacent search box, enter your keywords into another search box, then click the Search button. The affiliation "nursing" or "nurse" is frequently included in the department title of the author.
4. Affiliation in PubMed should be used similarly to the AF Author Affiliation search in CINAHL. Navigate to the PubMed Advanced Search Builder. Click the All Fields dropdown menu, select Affiliation, type nurs* in the adjacent search box, and click ADD. Then enter your keyword(s) into the search box, change the dropdown menu back to All Fields, click AND, then click the Search button. The words "nursing" or "nurse" are frequently included in the affiliation in relation to the author.
*These search limiters are not foolproof. Verify the author's nursing credentials by looking at the author information in the article.
**The written by a nurse limiter applies to records from November 2009 and forward. Credentials include RN, BSN, MSN, or appropriate degree. As this limiter pertains to non-U.S. journals, the credentials include licensed nurse or appropriate nursing degree in the particular country.
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